Sunday, June 26, 2011

YouTube Celebrates Its Sixth Birthday and Declares Some Statistics

Did you remember when did YouTube launch? Six years has gone since YouTube began its video broadcasting service. The Google subsidiary celebrates its sixth birthday this month on its official blog. It's no doubt that YouTube has dominated the online video content service for a long time. The YouTube Team is very proud of this. They release some statistics to honor the sixth birthday and some achievements have made on the blog.

Below are the whopping statistics they release.

1. Currently, YouTube globally receives 3 billion views every single day, which has grown by 50 percent during the past 365 days. "That's the equivalent of nearly half the world's population watching a YouTube video each day", as YouTube official blog described.

2. Last month, United States Internet users yielded 5.1 billion video playback times on YouTube. "[..]every U.S. resident watching at least nine videos a day", the announcement blog post said.

3. Each minute, over 48 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube, or a 100 percent increase during the past 12 months.

The YouTube Team generalizes 3 reasons attributed to the above great achievements:

1. Faster processing of uploads.
2. Longer upload lengths.
3. Live streaming events, such as the Royal Wedding.

Happy Birthday to YouTube and wish it offers more high quality content to our audience!

Here is the first ever video posted on YouTube. It was dubbed 'Me at the zoo' showing YouTube's co-founder Jawed Karim speaking in front of elephants at a zoo.

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