Saturday, March 3, 2012

More People At Ease Using Chat Video Rooms and Cam Chat Sites Due To The Advances In Technology And Availability Of Services In USA, Canada, Australia, UK, And Europe

Stargazer Video Chat announced that there has been an increase in online dating in recent years with people being more at ease using video chat and cam chat sites.

(PRWEB) March 01, 2012

Stargazer Video Chat announced that there has been an increase in online dating as opposed to physical dating in recent years. With the continuous advancement in video chat technology and availability of free video chat and cam chat sites, many people are more at ease in using chat rooms and dating sites to find the love of their life.

A new study published in this month's Psychological Science in the Public Interest found that among the participants who met their partners between 2007 and 2009, 22 percent of opposite-sex couples reported meeting on the Internet. The study suggested that online dating is an effective way to connect with more singles. "Online dating is definitely a new and much needed twist on relationships," said Harry Reis, a co-author of the study and professor of psychology at the University of Rochester. Additionally, with the work-place related pressures that leads to lack of time to socialize being on the rise, online dating have taken over the process of physical dating albeit in a virtual form.

Through meeting people in chat video and cam chat rooms, many people who would have otherwise delayed their 'active social life', have since turned to them and consequently gotten themselves their life-time soul mates. Most people also find video chat rooms a viable means of getting more dates than they do in other places. Recent statistics by Ipsos-Reid, an international market and social research company, show that 52% of Americans say they have a better chance of meeting and dating other people through online dating services than at a bar. This phenomenon is not only applicable to the United States of America but is catching up in other countries like Canada, UK, Australia, Europe and the rest of the world.

"The online dating is the preferred mode going by the advancement in technology since it affords one the opportunity to be both active at workplace and at the same time make time to ' virtually meet up' with others who end up spicing up their social life at their convenience without the limitations associated with the time and place issues. This is because online dating sites can be available on mobile devices, or any other gadgets provided one has internet connectivity".

Chat video rooms have also helped in bridging racial relations since persons who are separated geographically have an opportunity of interacting thereby cultural and knowledge transfer takes place. Andre Starr, the founder of Stargazer Video Chat adds that that "going forward, chat rooms are far much cheaper and more efficient in finding a suitable partner compared with say 'physical dating' which is quite costly and oftentimes have distractions from others. This is the right avenue to help many busy people find their partners."

About Stargazer Video Chat

Stargazer Video Chat is a privately operated service dedicated to providing a quick and easy way for people to meet each other in a casual video chat environment. It allows users to communicate using video chat, voice and text messaging in public and private chat rooms.

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